I REMEMBER THE FUTURE is a short film I wrote, produced, and directed, and for which I created the visual effects. Here’s some behind the scenes material:
MODO Feature Request: Integrate Tim Crowson’s MODO Popup plugin
After I mentioned Tim Crowson’s MODO Popup Search Fields plugin in my previous tutorial and everyone who used it agreed that its functionality should come with MODO by default I decided to record a separate Feature Request video for it. If you’d like to see this integrated into MODO please voice your request in this…
Non-spherical eye rig test
Here’s a quick demo of how to create a rig for a nonspherical eye rig in MODO after somebody asked how to do it on The Foundry’s forums. I may record a quick tutorial later on how to set something like this up.
Spine rig demo for Lukasz Pazera
Here’s a quick demo of my work-in-progress character rig in MODO, specifically talking about the spine. I recorded this for Lukasz Pazera, the creator of the brilliant Automatic Character Setup kit for MODO in The Foundry’s forums.
How to create a squash and stretch ball rig in MODO
Here’s my first tutorial ever, going into how to create a bouncing ball rig with squash and stretch in MODO. Any questions, comments and feedback are more than welcome! Enjoy. 🙂 Forum thread “Can someone teach me how to Rig this?” Tim Crowson’s forum thread “Popup Search Fields (PySide)” Tim Crowson’s script website